Monday, August 18, 2008

Support for Access Linux Platform waning in the wake of Android?

Without much fanfare, the Samsung i800 was canned at the tail end of last month. When asked why, Orange simply noted that it was pulled in order to "prepare a more competitive Linux mobile." A recent writeup at Ostatic takes a hard look at whether this simple withdrawal is really a sign of things to come, and it suggests that ALP could see support fade as the major players in Linux (and maybe even Nokia) step to the plate. One analyst was even quoted as saying that "having Google's brand behind Symbian could very well mean 'game over' for mobile Linux in the mobile phone market," and we honestly can't disagree too vehemently with that assertion. Of course, the LiMo Foundation has stated its intentions to not back down from the mighty Google, but sometimes, even the best intentions fall through. Guess time will tell, huh?

[ Via: jkOnTheRun ]
[ Tag: access,access linux,AccessLinux,alp,android,google,i800,limo,limo foundation,LimoFoundation,linux,mobile linux,MobileLinux,orange,samsung ]

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