Monday, August 11, 2008

Leaked Advert Image Could be First Showing of Palm Centro2 [Smartphones]

At Palm Addicts they've somehow got hold of a leaked advert that looks like it's for Palm's update to the Centro, the Centro2 smartphone. Take a peek—it's pretty convincing. There's of course no way to know whether this is real or a piece of Photoshopped fakery and it's difficult to glean much info on the device from the photos, though the advert is pushing the phone's PDA organizer aspects. The big difference is the missing keyboard, but whether that implies a touchscreen or some sort of slide-out pad is unclear. It also seems to have media controls at the top, and Palm Addicts thinks it's running Windows Mobile. Update: Sadly this is a fake, created for a marketing class. Sorry, Palm fans.
[ Via: Gizmodo, The Gadget Blog ]
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